Re: [Fwd: Need Help on Windows NT compilation of AMAYA 1.1c]

Hi  Jose,

Thanks for your help .

I created an executable from the sources.

If I run the amaya.exe downloaded from the web .It Works Fine .

If I run amaya.exe I generated after the pataches .It sits there and I do not see

any display . In the task manager you can see the excuatble running but no browser

on the screen.

Any hints on How to debug this problem.It seems like enviornment problem..


amaya.mak expects lib libpng.lib , libmpeg.lib , libthoteditor.lib in local directory

where we are linking amaya.

I am using VC++ 4.X .

Thanks in Advance.

Cheers !!!



Suhas Ahuja                           
Software Engg.                                  408-447-2428 (O)
HP Company


Received on Wednesday, 10 December 1997 19:39:37 UTC