Handling of charset

I've been having a look at the 1.1c version of Amaya on Linux.  X server is
XFree86 in case that's relevant.

However, Amaya seems to totally ignore the charset parameter on the HTTP
Content-Type header and always assumes iso-8859-1.  This seems to contravene
the HTTP/1.1 spec (RFC 2068), section 3.7.1:

  "HTTP/1.1 recipients MUST respect the charset label provided by the
  sender; [...]"

(See <URL:http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2068/rfc2068> for full text).

Admittedly Amaya's HTTP request says HTTP/1.0, but the documentation on
www.w3.org appears to say it supports HTTP/1.1.

Also, Amaya doesn't recognise "&uml;", and the warning message displayed to
the console reports 'Invalid entity "&um"' (i.e. it misses off the 'l').

Here are some example pages to play with:


This has the same sample text available with the server configured to report
different character sets.


Received on Tuesday, 25 November 1997 07:31:51 UTC