Re: NT4 bugsAmaya on NT4

Hi Mark.

First of all, the windows version of amaya is an alpha release.

I'm pleased to announce that there will be an update of amaya next
(20th October) which corrects most of bugs signaled in the mailing list
the latest public release of amaya.

>I have installed the current beta release of Amaya on a
>P90 48MB RAM WNT 4.0 SP3 box.
>It started up OK allowing me to have a quick play.
>I realize that a new beta is coming out on the 20th so I guess
>I'm too late to influence it but the following may be of interest.
>1 The weirdest bug is that I can't type in the letter w which
>  is a wacky omission for a www tool. The letter u cannpt be typed
>  and neither can full stop. All uppercase letters are fine but many
>  punctuation characters are not and of these some seem to have control
>  effects such as got ot start of line.
>2 The start up configuration cannot be altered. I guess this is a pending
>  feature. I am working off line with Amaya.
>3 I'm not convinced by the "keep hitting return to burrow out of a
>  structure" interface. I would rather have a seperate end structure 
>  key press e.g. Shift-Return or Ctrl-]. This would work in the middle of
>  a structure e.g add a list item between two others, Shift-return takes
>  you to just past the end of the innermost enclosing structure.
>5 I like the view structure window though I would work mainly in the
>  presentation window (i.e. the one that shows how the structure may
>  be presented. Does it have a name?)
>4 I would like to suggest that the authors of Amaya take a look
>  at a word processor called TechWriter or its sibling Easiwriter if they
>  can find an owner of an Acorn computer who uses it. This is a structured
>  word processor and they way it works and allows the user to navigate
>  and select the document structure is very effective.
>5 Could the documentation be made availabe as a zipped ps or pdf or html
>  file tree? Or all three? Some problems and misunderstandings I have
>  had would be helped if I had a paper manual at my side.
>A very promising beginning. I look forward to the next Beta.

Ramzi GUETARI                           |  Tel: (33) 4 76 61 52 38
World Wide Web Consortium / INRIA       |  Fax: (33) 4 76 61 52 52
655 Avenue de l'Europe                  |  e-mail:
38330 Montbonnot Saint Martin - France  |

Received on Saturday, 18 October 1997 09:30:59 UTC