Re: Compiling html2thot on Solaris 2.5

In-reply-to: Your message of Fri, 03 Oct 1997 17:35:34 -0500."

> Hi,
> I am trying to compile html2thot on Solaris platform without much
> success. The command I am using is in the directory Thot/amaya is

This problem is due to autoconf migration. It's not easy to compile the
same source file html2thot.c with different options using autoconf.
I implemented a solution by changing the name of the application by
That solution will be implemented in next release but I suggest you
to modify your current version of Thot/amaya/
HTML2THOT_LIBS= ../thotlib/libThotKernel.a

html2piv: ../bin/html2piv
../bin/html2piv : @srcdir@/html2thot.c
	@(if test ! -d ../bin ; then $(MKDIR) ../bin ; fi)
../bin/html2piv  @srcdir@/html2thot.c $(HTML2THOT_LIBS)
	@$(ECHO) "====>" html2piv is done

After a make in your working directory (solari2 for example), please go
to into solaris/amaya directory and enter
make html2piv


Received on Monday, 6 October 1997 07:17:40 UTC