Re: xhtml source fil tree structure

On Monday 12 February 2007 15:40, t a wrote:
> Users,
> I am experimenting to use amaya 952, windows. With
> text editor I indent text for nested elements, for
> example
> table tag
>   tr tag
>     td tag
> When I open such files in amaya, each indent is
> represented by blue border box character.

In Amaya 9.52 Tab characters are displayed as small blue boxes.
Since Amaya 9.53, a Tab is displayed with a large (8 spaces) blue line.

> How do I insert in indent for each nested element when
> using amaya?

When you edit a web page on its formatted view, Amaya will apply its own rules 
to generate a well indented source code. Usually, users read formatted web 
pages and not their source code.

You have to work on the source view if you want to insert Tab characters in 
the source code. When a user hits a Tab in the formatted view, Amaya skips to 
the next anchor like any other browser.

> Yours,
> René
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Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
INRIA                               ZIRST
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Received on Monday, 12 February 2007 16:35:12 UTC