Re: Corrections to the Amaya documentation

Hi Matthew.

> > 2) In the initial version of the documentation we generated a div element
> to
> >    isolate the part of each page that will be included by the make book
> command
> >    and so navigation bars were not collected.
> >    You omitted to do the same in the current version and the final book
> > includes all
> >    navigation bars.
> >    Could you fix that?
> We are about to fix this - however, we need a little more information. When
> we insert the <div> tag into the new files that we creating, what is the ID
> that we should use for each div?  Does the ID have to match exactly the file
> name?  How is this ID used by the Make Book command?

The id value should be a significant text but it's not an obligation. In any 
it must be unique in the document. The Amaya command "Create a target" on a div
generates an id attribute that follows these rules. It uses the text of the 
significant word in the div and adds 1, 2, etc. when this new generated value 
is already declared in the document by another name or id attribute.

The id value can be used as any other name. Links to the div may be 
for a local link, or href="document_url#id_value" for a remote link.


Received on Friday, 11 January 2002 04:35:12 UTC