Re: Amaya on Debian Testing: version number does not start with digit


It looks like the problem we encountered some weeks ago for new Ubuntu 
I can't work on it for the moment but I'll have a look as soon as possible.
Do you run 32 bits or 64 bits version ?


Mauro Sacchetto wrote:
> I'm trying to install the last version of Amaya
> on a Debian Testing. However, for the policy for version numbers
> changed recently in a more strict way, it's impossible
> to install it. I receive thie message.
> =============================================
> root@debian:/home/samiel/Download# dpkg -i amaya_wx-11.3.1-1_i386.deb 
> dpkg: errore nell'elaborare amaya_wx-11.3.1-1_i386.deb (--install):
>  parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/' near line 2 package 'amaya':
>  errore nella stringa Version "wx-11.3.1-1": version number does not start 
> with digit
> Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione:
>  amaya_wx-11.3.1-1_i386.deb
> =============================================
> Do u plan to correct the trouble,
> or is there a workaround?
> Thanx
> MS

Received on Tuesday, 20 September 2011 15:15:48 UTC