Re: Invoke Amaya functions through another program

Le lundi 23 novembre 2009 à 13:42 +0100, Andrew Attard a écrit :
> Hi, I am a final year student, currently working on a project based on
> Amaya. I would like to know whether it is possible to write a program
> through which I would design a web page on Amaya!
> Any help is appreciated, thanks :)

The solution is probably to write your application as Amaya is written.
You can of course keep the set of Amaya functions you need.

I suggest you to have a look at:
The Amaya/amaya/EDITOR.A file that declares the current Amaya user
 o the language is explained in
 o the Amaya/config/amaya.profiles file that declares what functions are
visible and what functions are hidden
 o Amaya functions are developed using the Thot API: see

I hope that helps
Irene Vatton <>

Received on Monday, 23 November 2009 13:34:37 UTC