Character change when saving document

Dear Amaya Team,

I'm using Amaya daily, mostly with great success. Thanks a lot!

Here is a small but annoying Amaya bug. I have observed it in various of 
my files over the years, but this is the first time I have been able to 
isolate it. The bug happened today again with Amaya 11.1 (Jan 30 2009).

The attached very short file should allow you to reproduce the bug 
(Please make sure you save a clean version of the test file separately 
for later comparison.):
- Open the file in Amaya. The text should read:
- Make a minor change so that you can save the file
- Reload the file, and observe that the last character changed to a $:
This bug happens on saving, not on loading. When the source view is 
visible while saving, the source view already shows the $ after saving, 
but a reload is needed to see it in the general view.

The exact bytes of the text, in UTF-8, are:
E5 B1 9E E6 80 A7 E5 80 A4 E3 81 A8 E7 89 B9 E6 80 A7 E5 80 A4
(curtesy of

Regards,    Martin.
#-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Monday, 13 July 2009 02:45:40 UTC