
there is a discussion in HTML WG about how to incorporate SVG into HTML  
(the loose sloppy language, not just XHTML). See for example the thread  
around [1], in reply to which I promised to ask your opinion. An important  
question is whether it is easier to do this if the language is strict  
XML-like SVG, or whether broken syntax (like HTML) should be accepted.

There are two current proposals. One came from some people in the HTML  
Working group, and it would allow mixing case in elements, non-well-formed  
XML, would not allow namespaces nor some existing SVG elements. The other  
is from the SVG working group, and the basis is that it would require SVG  
to stay compatible with existing tools, by being strictly XML well-formed,  
with namespaces, etc.

Input from Amaya developers could be helpful to the working group. (Note  
that the general level of politeness and respect in the group is, in my  
opinion, very low, so you may get rather rude or unpleasant answers :( ).




Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
     je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg lærer norsk   Try Opera 9.5:

Received on Sunday, 28 September 2008 21:55:15 UTC