Re: [Announce] Amaya 10 .1-pre snapshot

Hi all,

For information, I just built and am uploading the Debian package to
experimental (wx2.8 is not available in unstable).

Attached are the 2 patches I've had for over a year now, and still would
like to see merged in CVS at some point. Is there any chance to have
them tested, and if they fail, please tell me how and possibly give me a
build log, so I can actually fix it. As before, raptor goes on top of
rdf_conf_in_conf, and just having rdf_conf_in_conf applied would be a
very good first step.


On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 18:37 +0200, Irene Vatton wrote:
> Hi,
> A snapshot, Amaya 10.1-pre, is now available. 
> Major changes are:
>  o A new version of the formatting engine
>  o Improvement of MathML editing
>  o Possibility to enter a complex CSS selector when a 
>    Style rule is created
>  o Extension of templates to apply to all XML languages
>  o Support of the HTML + RDFa profile
>  o Several other bug fixes

Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2008 19:06:05 UTC