Re: Compiling on Ubuntu 64-bit fails

On Tuesday 01 April 2008 17:23, Laurent Duperval wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been trying to get Amaya 10.0.1 to compile on a Ubuntu Feisty AMD64
> machine with no success.
> The problems I had:
> - Compiling Mesa fails in some of the assembly code. To fix the issue, I
> modified the root Makefile in the hope that when linking occurs, it will
> link with the system Mesa libs instead of the one distributed with the
> source code. I don't know if that works yet.

The current Mesa config is 32 bit:
To change that go into the Mesa/configs directory and change the current 
 cp linux-x86-64-static current

> - More important: make fails in the 'batch' directory:
> make[1]: Entering directory
> `/home/laurent/devel/Amaya10.0/Amaya/obj/thotlib' make[1]: Leaving
> directory `/home/laurent/devel/Amaya10.0/Amaya/obj/thotlib' (DIR=`pwd` ;
> THOTDIR=$DIR/../.. ; export THOTDIR ; \
>         cd ../../batch ; $DIR/../bin/grm APP)
> Can't create header file APP.LST
> make: *** [APP.GRM] Error 1
> I tried to figure out why this happens but I don't have a clue. Maybe it's
> because Mesa isn't built in the Amaya tree (which doesn't work either. See
> this thread:


> Any ideas why the compilation is failing?
> Thanks,
> L

Irène Vatton @ INRIA Rhône-Alpes

Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2008 15:41:52 UTC