Re: Compiling Amaya on Windows (AmayaWX version)

Hello Irene,

Many thanks for your help.

At 19:53 06/10/05, Irene Vatton wrote:
>On Thursday 28 September 2006 11:06, Martin Duerst wrote:
>> At 16:36 06/09/25, Irene Vatton wrote:
>> >Win-Compiling.html is now updated.
>> One more little detail: everything is alphabetically ordered,
>> which makes checking easy, except for str\str.dsp, which should
>> be moved up two places.
>Okay. It's done now

Great, thanks!

>> This problem is still there. Saving the files as app1.dsp, and
>> so on, seems to work.
>I know why this occurs. I'll fix that in the incoming release.

Great, thanks!

>> The next problem is the following:
>> A long list of errors was related to the fact that a bunch of files
>> (actually the whole folder) were missing in the idn module of libwww
>> (libwww/modules/idn). These files all are from idnkit
>> ( I only knew because
>> it was me who added IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) support to
>> Amaya a few years ago. Apparently, the Windows makefiles still keep
>> that information (great!), but the actual files got lost. It would
>> be great if this functionality could be fully integrated into Amaya;
>> if you need some help, please tell me.
>I'm not able to update any libwww source file today.
>As I remember, there is no makefile for IDN.

Yes, this is true. Looking at examples for other IDN modules,
it doesn't seem too difficult to produce one, but on the other
hand, autoconf and friends are just totally scary, at least to me.

>> The next problem I got into was when compiling libwww/modules/idn/util.c,
>> the compiler reported a lot of errors in various .h files (starting
>> with winnt.h) that were part of the compiler's installation
>> (among them a fatal error that it can't handle a certain level
>> of union nesting). I got around this by #undef WIN32 at the start
>> of libwww/modules/idn/util.c. I don not remember such problems
>> the last time I used idnkit some years ago.
>Distributed .h files are those generated on a linux platform. That probably 
>explains why you have problems.

Well, the WIN32 #define in util.c only is used to add something to
the registry, which isn't necessary if idnkit is used as a library.

>> After that, there were a few more warnings:
>> d:\amaya-compile\amaya\thotlib\view\changeabsbox.c(3249) : warning C4101:
>> local variable 'pMainAb' never used
>> d:\amaya-compile\amaya\thotlib\dialogue\fontconfig.c(403) : warning C4101:
>> local variable 'fname1' never used
>> d:\amaya-compile\amaya\thotlib\dialogue\fontconfig.c(404) : warning C4101:
>> local variable 'word1' never used
>> And then one fatal error:
>> d:\amaya-compile\wxwidgets\src\jpeg\jpeglib.h(24) : fatal error C1083:
>> cannot open include file '../src/jpeg/jconfig.h': No such file or directory
>> (this is when compiling jpeghandler.c in printlib)
>My printlib.dsp looks for ../../../wxWidgets/src/jpeg/
>and the jconfig.h is there.

That seems to match exactly what was in the project settings:
   /I "..\..\..\wxWidgets\src\jpeg"

The printlib project, printlib.dsp, is currently at this location:

With the above relative path, we get to
which would be okay. However, it just doesn't work.

The source file, jpeghandler, is at
That is at the same depth, and so would not change anything,
even if includes are relative to that location.

To move on, I have just used the absolute path in jpeghandler.c:
    #include "D:\Amaya-compile\wxWidgets\src\jpeg\jconfig.h"
but of course you can't but that into the distribution.

A similar problem occurred in jpeglib.h. Again, jconfig.h
isn't found. This time the source reads:

#include "../src/jpeg/jconfig.h"                /* widely used configuration options */

Again, I replaced this with the full path:
#include "D:\Amaya-compile\wxWidgets\src\jpeg\jconfig.h"                /* widely used configuration options */

At least for me, that did the job.

With that, I got to the Compiler, which feals great.

When following the instructions at,
which say
5. Choose "File/Build" (or F7), to start these compilers and generate
.STR, .PRS, .TRA, .APP, and .h files needed for building Amaya.

I unfortunately get the following error message:

    Build process aborted because of errors

It's difficult to say what the reason for this error is.
Any hints for what to check/fix are highly appreciated.

With kind regards,      Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2006 03:21:11 UTC