Re: Changelog: Come back to wxWidgets 2.6.2?

On Wednesday 01 November 2006 00:31, Robin Whittle wrote:
> In the changelog:
> there is an entry:
>   Come back to wxWidgets 2.6.2
> I don't recall this being mentioned on this list and I can't find any
> reference to it, other than my own attempt to use it.
> I am still compiling under Debian 3.1 Stable with the wxWidgets 2.6.3
> directory from the 9.52 source tarball.  Is this correct?  I am sure I
> had one instance where copy to the system clipboard did not work, but
> generally it does work for me now.

wxWidgets 2.6.3 generated refresh problems on Windows platforms.
Current Amaya 9.52 version uses wxWidgets 2.6.3 on Linux and MacOS X platforms 
and wxWidgets 2.6.2 on Windows platforms.
As there is no real benefit to use wxWidgets 2.6.3 with Linux and MacOS X 
platforms, we decided to come back to wxWidgets 2.6.2 on all platforms.

Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
INRIA                               ZIRST
e-mail:       655 avenue de l'Europe
Tel.: +33 4 76 61 53 61             Montbonnot
Fax:  +33 4 76 61 52 07             38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2006 12:06:01 UTC