Re: Problem encourntered while installing Amaya9.0

Le Samedi 08 Janvier 2005 02:22, Frank Lee a écrit :
> To whom it may concern:
> Hello there!
> I downloaded Amaya9.0 yesterday and came across a problem while installing
> it in my WinXP Professional desk PC.Popup widget showed that "Error opening
> file for writing E:\AmayaWX\Amaya\AmayaPag?\html
>              Click abort to stop the installation,
>              Retry to try again,or
>              Ignore to skip this file."
> I clicked Retry several times, but things did not turn normally.If
> Ignored,the Welcome Page could not be displayed normally with many sections
> of text distorted or replaced by four layer dash line. Then I tried another
> two ways as follows,problem still the same(1>redownload    2>Disc Drive
> Name changed)
> I am not able to compile the source at the moment, so hope experts from
> Amaya working team help me with this problem.
> Kind regards,
> Frank Lee
> 2005-01-08

I suspect the .exe file was not correctly downloaded.
Do you have the same problem with the 8.7.1 version? The 8.7.1 version
uses a different install script.

Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
INRIA                               ZIRST
e-mail:       655 avenue de l'Europe
Tel.: +33 4 76 61 53 61             Montbonnot
Fax:  +33 4 76 61 52 07             38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

Received on Monday, 17 January 2005 08:34:32 UTC