(unknown charset) Re: Missing routines in the distribution.

> > > On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 14:57:16 -0500 (EST)
> > > schulz@adi.com (Thomas Schulz) wrote:
> > I expect that configure is doing something wrong, but there are no error
> > messages when it runs.  I have captured the on screen output from configure,
> > and could make it or anything else available if that would help.  I expect
> > that all the other problems have the same cause as this one.
> This problem could come from the use of a very old version of sed.
> One solution is to use gsed instead of sed.

I have found that the problem was not with configure at all.  The problem
is that when linking grm, the linker is bringing in structlist.o and
presentationapiND.o from libThotKernel.a.  To resolve the resulting
undefined references, I added libThotEditor.a and then other libraries
to the link command line.  The end result of this was an undefined
reference to TteLoadApplications which would be in EDITORAPP.c.
Of course, EDITORAPP.c does not exist at the time that grm is being
linked.  My solution was to remove structlist.o and presentationapiND.o
from libThotKernel.a to see what was causing them to be linked in.
When I did that, grm linked without complaint!  No errors or warnings
at all.  In fact, the build completed with out any more problems.
I never had to restore structlist.o and presentationapiND.o to
libThotKernel.a.  My next problem is that amaya does not run, but
I will send mail under a different subject for that.
>      Irene.
> -----
> Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
> INRIA                               ZIRST
> e-mail: Irene.Vatton@inria.fr       655 avenue de l'Europe
> Tel.: +33 4 76 61 53 61             Montbonnot
> Fax:  +33 4 76 61 52 07             38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

Tom schulz
Applied Dynamics Intl.

Received on Wednesday, 7 April 2004 16:44:35 UTC