Re: Amaya GL font issues on OS X

> I assume it works on non-x86 linux?

Endianness hell...

Well, I think  the incriminated code is in Amaya/thotlib/dialogue/openglfont.c

the p2() macro/function

If you could try with :

int p2(int p)
p -= 1; 
p |= p >> 16; 
p |= p >> 8; 
p |= p >> 4; 
p |= p >> 2; 
p |= p >> 1; 
return p + 1;

otherwise, identical, formulical, but VERY VERY VERY slower and surely the one that works on non-x86... :

int p2(int p)
return 1 << (int) ceilf(logf((float) p) / M_LN2);

or finally the slower than snail one :

int p2 (p)
return p*p;

- If you know an optimized version of p*p on non-x86, feel free to try there -


Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 12:17:42 UTC