few question about MathML

dear sir/madam,

I have a few things that I don't understand.

1. Why function AbsBoxesCreate and BoxCreate are
called before and after the document tree is generated
? Shouldn't it just be called after the 
document tree is generated ? What does the first call
do ? The second call makes the abstract box from the
document tree, doesn't it ? Please correct me if I am

2. What does the function ChangeConcreteImage do ?
   The comment is in French and I can't understand it.

3. I assume the function DisplayBox is used to display
   the equation. I remember somebody said that that
function has some relation ship with presentation
schema and structure schema, but I can't find the
implementation in the program. Can someone give me a
more detail explanation and show which part of the
program that implements it ?

kind regards,

The Fe Ping

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Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2002 22:54:17 UTC