Successfully built 6.4 on Jaguar


Just writing to report a successful build of Amaya 6.4, from the source
tarball, on Macintosh OS X 10.2 with a fink-supplied GNOME 1.4.1. Mostly I
followed Carine's recipe for building on 10.1 (many thanks). I needed also
to add --host=ppc to the libwww configure command in Amaya/darwin/Makefile
as it couldn't find this out itself.

If you're doing this with a fink-installed GNOME, fink will feel obliged to
install its own libwww, which lacks the HTCache_resetMeta that Amaya needs.
Although gcc is pointed at the correct libwwwcache.a, it persists in
consulting that one instead and then complaining about the missing symbol.
As a workaround I added ../libwww/Library/src/HTCache.o to the final compile
command for ../bin/amaya to supply that symbol, which is ugly.

Can anybody remind me how to achieve the same effect with gcc options?



Received on Sunday, 20 October 2002 20:24:47 UTC