

To enable XIM for GTK-Amaya, 'ENABLE_MUTKIKEY' must be setted
to 'yes'.  This problem has come from the fact that 
'gtk_set_locale' is not called by the default.
I think almost all gtk-based programs, which care for I18N,
have called 'gtk_set_locale' by the default.
Is it a bad idea to call 'gtk_set_locale' by the default?

FYI, the current GTK-Amaya calls 'gtk_set_locale' in 
'thotlib/dialogue/dialogapi.c' by checking the variable

I mean that how about commenting out following two lines?
ptr = TtaGetEnvString("ENABLE_MUKTIKEY");
if (ptr && !strcasecmp (ptr, "yes"))
  gtk_set_locale ();


Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 21:15:13 UTC