Re: Compiling problem for newbie


Thanks a million!! It works!


--- Paul Cheyrou <>
> Try the following procedure :
> Open the Amaya workspace,
> Look in the project tree, you should see zlib at the
> end, try to set it as the 'Active Project',
> Then build it, and finally build Amaya, after
> resetting it as the 'Active Project'.
> Otherwise, if nothing more happens, the Hard Way :
> You could to launch a Dos Box (run command fo win9x
> or cmd fo winNT/2000/XP),
> Then move to the zlib directory in the Amaya source,
> and launch the following command
> nmake32 zlib.mak
> And then build Amaya directly with the Msvc GUI.
> Paul Cheyrou-lagreze.

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Received on Friday, 9 November 2001 03:05:02 UTC