Displaying tables

I have recently taken over as web master of one the largest web archives
with free sheet notes, the Werner Icking Music Archive
http://icking-music-archive.sunsite.dk/, a Danish hosted successor of
the GMD sheet music archive http://www.gmd.de/Misc/Music/ named after
the late web master of the latter web site.

As an unexperienced web editor I have taken amaya (4.3.2 for linux) into
use as an editing tool in combination with emacs editing of the html
code. This has proven very efficient except for one of the web pages of
my site, the master page
http://icking-music-archive.sunsite.dk/index.html containing a.o. two
horizontically neighbouring tables at the top of the page. While
appearing as intended when handled by the Netscape and IE browsers the
rightmost table looks weird when displayed by amaya.

I can live with that since I know that my web guests see the framed text
of the 2nd table as intended. But I wonder whether the weird appearance
of it within amaya is due to some incompatibility between amaya and
method used for setting up the two tables in question.

Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01

Received on Friday, 4 May 2001 08:36:59 UTC