Re: I would like to help the development effort of Amaya 4.x.y

> Hello,
> Let me quickly introduce myself.
> My name is mark tillinghast and I am responsible for a junior college class
> which is an introduction to the internet.
> I would like to help to provide testing for the amaya application, as I
> would like to use this in the class that I teach because will help my
> students to acquire good html coding habits. All of my work has been done on
> Windows ME.
> I was able to connect to the web through the browser, I was able to modify
> some html and ran a couple of quicklook ad hoc validations.
> I have discovered some problems with Amaya, and would like to report them in
> the best channel possible.
> Can you tell me were the bug list is for Amaya 4.2.1? I had found a couple
> of issues with the version (Download the source code of Amaya 4.2.1 (22
> December, 2000). ) that I had downloaded.

Today the bug list is only accessible to W3C members because it includes 
What is public is the list of fixed bugs and new developments:
- in previous releases:
- in the CVS base:

>  I checked the mailing list archive(
> but didn't see any
> issues that were related.
> I am running Windows ME. The perl that I used to create the headers was
> perl-5.6.1-1 and was compiled under cygwin-1.1.6-1.

That's interesting. We never tested that configuration.
> I compiled first the  Compilers.exe. I noticed that it does not have a
> version resource in its .rc file. I added one to the code that I generated.

There is a file Compilers.rc in Amaya/batch

> There may be some linking problems as the compile process does exhibit some
> warnings.
> EDITORactions.c
> E:\amaya.src\Amaya\amaya\EDITORactions.c(2596) : warning C4013:
> 'AnnotConfMenu' undefined; assuming extern returning int
> shouldn't it have the extern decoration?

This is due to the program extract we are using to generate function profiles.
It doesn't handle correctly #ifdef declarations, so it doesn't find the 
of the function AnnotConfMenu in Amaya/amaya/MENUconf.c

> I had a crash occur when I tried to save an html document from the editor,
> it is described below.

Interesting I'll analyze this bug.
Thanks for the report.
> Version December 22, 2000
> OS: Windows ME.
> Summary:
> ~~~~~~~~~
> In function
> void                ComputeMBP (PtrAbstractBox pAb, int frame, ThotBool
> horizRef)
> pAb->AbEnclosing->AbBox;
> appears to be a null pointer. When it gets dereferenced in the next line,
> an access violation occurs.
> Details:
> ~~~~~~~
> Open an html page(that has rules .
> Activate modifications
> Attempt to save the page.
> Result:
> Access violation
> Stack Crawl Follows.
> ComputeMBP(_AbstractBox * 0x01486b30, int 0x00000001, int 0x00000001) line
> 589 + 3 bytes
> CreateBox(_AbstractBox * 0x01486b30, int 0x00000001, int 0x00000001, int *
> 0x00fb8864) line 1490 + 15 bytes
> ComputeUpdates(_AbstractBox * 0x01486b30, int 0x00000001) line 2435 + 21
> bytes
> IsAbstractBoxUpdated(_AbstractBox * 0x01486b30, int 0x00000001) line 3528 +
> 13 bytes
> ChangeConcreteImage(int 0x00000001, int * 0x00fb8938, _AbstractBox *
> 0x01486b30) line 3917 + 13 bytes
> AbstractImageUpdated(_DocumentDescr * 0x013bac6c) line 170 + 17 bytes
> DisplayAttribute(_ElementDescr * 0x016f5d70, _AttributeBlock * 0x013ecc8c,
> int 0x00000001) line 1139 + 16 bytes
> TtaSetAttributeValue(int * 0x013ecc8c, int 0x00000001, int * 0x016f5d70, int
> 0x00000001) line 587 + 17 bytes
> SynchronizeSourceView(NotifyElement * 0x00fb92b4) line 2107 + 21 bytes
> SaveDocument(int 0x00000002, int 0x00000001) line 2002 + 9 bytes
> BackUpDocs() line 2072 + 11 bytes
> ErrorHandler() line 256
> raise(int 0x00000016) line 581 + 7 bytes
> CrtMessageWindow(int 0x00000002, const char * 0x007dd114 `string', const
> char * 0x00fbacd4, const char * 0x00000000, const char * 0x00fbccf8) line
> 526 + 7 bytes
> _CrtDbgReport(int 0x00000002, const char * 0x007dd114 `string', int
> 0x00000036, const char * 0x00000000, const char * 0x007dd100 `string') line
> 419 + 76 bytes
> _fsopen(const char * 0x008a7a40 _LostPicturePath, const char * 0x0082d03c,
> int 0x00000040) line 54 + 31 bytes
> fopen(const char * 0x008a7a40 _LostPicturePath, const char * 0x0082d03c)
> line 104 + 15 bytes
> ufopen(const char * 0x008a7a40 _LostPicturePath, const char * 0x0082d03c)
> line 94 + 13 bytes
> ReadGifToData(char * 0x008a7a40 _LostPicturePath, int * 0x00fbdd94, int *
> 0x00fbdd8c, int * 0x00fbdd98, int * 0x00fbdd90, XColor * 0x00fbdd9c) line
> 1447 + 14 bytes
> GifCreate(char * 0x008a7a40 _LostPicturePath, PictInfo * 0x01483d90, int *
> 0x00fbe5dc, int * 0x00fbe604, int * 0x00fbe5e8, int * 0x00fbe714, unsigned
> long 0x00876f2c, HBITMAP__ * * 0x00fbe710, int * 0x00fbe608, int *
> 0x00fbe5e0, int 0x00000000) line 1504 + 44 bytes
> LoadPicture(int 0x00000001, _Box * 0x016e5930, PictInfo * 0x01483d90) line
> 1820 + 65 bytes
> ComputeUpdates(_AbstractBox * 0x016e5a60, int 0x00000001) line 2673 + 23
> bytes
> IsAbstractBoxUpdated(_AbstractBox * 0x016e5a60, int 0x00000001) line 3612 +
> 13 bytes
> ChangeConcreteImage(int 0x00000001, int * 0x00fbe854, _AbstractBox *
> 0x016e5a60) line 3917 + 13 bytes
> RebuildViewImage(int 0x00000001, int 0x00000000, _DocumentDescr *
> 0x013bac6c) line 757 + 17 bytes
> RebuildImage(_DocumentDescr * 0x013bac6c) line 782 + 15 bytes
> TtaSetDisplayMode(int 0x00000001, int 0x00000000) line 1354 + 9 bytes
> StartParser(int 0x00000001, char * 0x00fbf470, char * 0x00fbf270, char *
> 0x00fbf070, char * 0x00fbf470, int 0x00000000) line 7404 + 11 bytes
> RestartParser(int 0x00000001, char * 0x00fbf470, char * 0x00fbf070, char *
> 0x00fbf270) line 1100 + 27 bytes
> SaveDocument(int 0x00000002, int 0x00000001) line 1998 + 33 bytes
> ThotCallback(int 0x000000c0, int 0x00000001, char * 0x00000006) line 4601 +
> 24 bytes
> CallMenu(void * 0x00000006, Cat_Context * 0x01634200, char * 0x00000000)
> line 926 + 18 bytes
> WIN_ThotCallBack(HWND__ * 0x00000600, unsigned int 0x000000c6, long
> 0x00000000) line 5930 + 15 bytes
> WndProc(HWND__ * 0x00000600, unsigned int 0x00000111, unsigned int
> 0x000000c6, long 0x00000000) line 1477 + 17 bytes
> KERNEL32! Ordinal121 + 1879 bytes
> KERNEL32! bff848f7()


Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2001 03:48:53 UTC