Re: Build error, Linux, 3.2.1 wrote:

> It doesn't resolve that way here either. The macro says:
>         libwwwdir="$(THOTDIR)/../$(LIBWWW)"
>         $$libwwwdir/configure
> My makefile in ~/Amaya/LINUX-ELF/Makefile declares THOTDIR as .. . That's why
> it works for me.

THOTDIR is defined as "/usr/src/Amaya".  

Additionally, your macro above is different from mine.  Mine looks like

My setup and configuration is identical to the what you describe below
(i.e., no configure options):

> What I did to create my directory was
> $ cd Amaya
> $ mkdir LINUX-ELF
> $ cd LINUX-ELF
> $ ../configure    (called without options)


Received on Friday, 1 September 2000 09:39:20 UTC