profiles vs dropdown menus

Amaya 4. changes the menus according to the profiles....
Perhaps it is better to 'grey out' inaccessible options instead.
otherwise the help screens are inaccurate as they are keyed
to a specific profile .....
for example if one is set to browser,  preferences no longer 
has a templates option   but it is discussed in the configure.html 
document.... if it was there but greyed out (standard notation for
unavailable) then the help docs would more clearly match the 
menus provided.  Also one is aware of what is available if profile
is altered..... 
the alternative is to have a whole series of helps, keyed to each of
 the profiles , a maintenence nightmare in a single language and 
   undoable in multilanguage.....

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
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Received on Friday, 10 November 2000 14:49:08 UTC