Re: Compiling libwww from Amaya 2.4 src on Solaris 2.5.1

Hello Jeff,

In our previous episode, Jeff Magill said:
> I am trying to build Amaya on a Solaris 2.5.1 system.
> I have executed 'configure' and 'make all' and there appears to be an
> error during the build of libwww because it can't find zlib.h.  The
> only place I see zlib.h in the distribution is in the libpng
> directory.  Is that where libwww is supposed to get this header or is
> it supposed to be in a system area?

Thanks for your report. You're right. This is an oversight in the
Makefile. Right now, it takes the zlib.h from the system include directory.
I'll patch the makefile to add a -I to take it off from the png/zlib
directory. Hmm, what would be more interesting is to take it off from the
system zlib.a... 

> I noticed that configure is run for libwww.  I changed some options for
> configure when executing it in the Amaya directory.  Could that be
> causing such problems?  The arguments I used were

No, those arguments look ok.

In the meantime, a quick solution is to add a symlink from 
~/Amaya/libpng/zlib/zlib.h to either ~/libwww/Library/src 
or ~/Amaya/obj/libwww/Library/src.

~ == the path where you detared Amaya
obj == the directory where you're compiling Amaya.

This will make it work for you.


Received on Thursday, 20 January 2000 09:07:43 UTC