STIX free fonts: test set, please comment

Dear all,
As you already might know, STIX is working on a font set of 2000 characters that
will be freely available for everyone.
We now have a font test set containing some 50 scientific characters.
If you distribute or develop scientific (math) software (MathML, Tex typesetting
sys, browsers, etc.), please test them in your software (they are, and always
will be free for you to use) and comment on them. We are now in a stage that we
can adjust them to your requirements!
Attachments: TT font, Type1 font and a readme.doc (MS Word) and (same)
readme.pdf (Acrobat pdf). You'll have to install the font on your system to be
able to view the examples in the readme docs.

With kind regards,

W(im) S. de Vries LL M
Publishing Technology Researcher
Electronic Production Department
Elsevier Science NL
tel. (+31) 20 4852733
fax  (+31) 20 4852812

Sara Burgerhartstraat 25
1055 KV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2000 07:46:50 UTC