Miscellaneous bugs and fixes

Here are a few small bugfix-type patches I've come up with in recent days.
The problems they correct are rather minor, but still...
I also have a longer list of bugs still awaiting a fix; these will be sent
in separately.

1) COL and COLGROUP can take a WIDTH attribute.
(There may be other omissions lurking; I only fixed the ones I stumbled upon
during my own use of Amaya.)

RCS file: /sources/public/Amaya/amaya/fetchHTMLname.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 fetchHTMLname.c
*** fetchHTMLname.c     1999/12/23 10:12:38     1.7
--- fetchHTMLname.c     2000/01/05 20:41:11
*** 342,347 ****
--- 342,349 ----
     {TEXT("vspace"), TEXT(""), TEXT('A'), HTML_ATTR_vspace},
     {TEXT("width"), TEXT("applet"), TEXT('A'), HTML_ATTR_Width__},
+    {TEXT("width"), TEXT("col"), TEXT('A'), HTML_ATTR_Width__},
+    {TEXT("width"), TEXT("colgroup"), TEXT('A'), HTML_ATTR_Width__},
     {TEXT("width"), TEXT("hr"), TEXT('A'), HTML_ATTR_Width__},
     {TEXT("width"), TEXT("iframe"), TEXT('A'), HTML_ATTR_Width__},
     {TEXT("width"), TEXT("image"), TEXT('A'), HTML_ATTR_Width__},

2) doc/amaya/Overview.html doesn't have the right relative paths to some of
the Thot documentation.

RCS file: /sources/public/Amaya/doc/amaya/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -c -r1.26 Overview.html
*** Overview.html       1999/10/08 14:24:17     1.26
--- Overview.html       2000/01/05 20:41:37
*** 51,59 ****
  following documentation:</p>
    <li>Overview of the <a href="AmayaArchi.html">Amaya architecture.</a></li>
!   <li>The <a href="APIman.toc.html">Thot API manual</a> explains how the
      Thotlib works and gives the list of available functions</li>
!   <li>The <a href="Appman.toc.html">Thot Application generation manual</a>
      explains how to generate menus and the mechanism of Thot events.</li>
    <li>The <a href="languages.toc.html">Thot language manual</a> gives the
      syntax of the S, P and T languages.</li>
--- 51,59 ----
  following documentation:</p>
    <li>Overview of the <a href="AmayaArchi.html">Amaya architecture.</a></li>
!   <li>The <a href="../APIman.toc.html">Thot API manual</a> explains how the
      Thotlib works and gives the list of available functions</li>
!   <li>The <a href="../Appman.toc.html">Thot Application generation manual</a>
      explains how to generate menus and the mechanism of Thot events.</li>
    <li>The <a href="languages.toc.html">Thot language manual</a> gives the
      syntax of the S, P and T languages.</li>

3) If TtaXLookupString ever gets called with event==NULL, the initialisation
of dpy could cause a segmentation fault on some machines. Better do it after
the test. I also corrected the English of some comments.

RCS file: /sources/public/Amaya/thotlib/dialogue/interface.c,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -c -r1.79 interface.c
*** interface.c 1999/11/25 16:39:32     1.79
--- interface.c 2000/01/05 20:41:49
*** 512,520 ****
    TtaXLookupString : This override the standard function provided by the
!   X11 librarie. This AWFUL glitch is required due to frequent change
    of the standard implementation when trying to work with more keysyms
!   than the usual set and still having Motif functionning properly.
    Daniel Veillard 28 March 96 after installing X11R6 rel 1 ...
  int               TtaXLookupString (event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status)
--- 512,520 ----
    TtaXLookupString : This override the standard function provided by the
!   X11 library. This AWFUL hack is required due to frequent change
    of the standard implementation when trying to work with more keysyms
!   than the usual set and still have Motif functionning properly.
    Daniel Veillard 28 March 96 after installing X11R6 rel 1 ...
  int               TtaXLookupString (event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status)
*** 527,536 ****
    KeySym              sym = NoSymbol;
    int                 keycode;
    int                 state;
!   struct _XDisplay   *dpy = (struct _XDisplay *) event->display;
    if (event == NULL)
      return (0);
    if ((int)(event->keycode) < TtaMinKeyCode || (int)(event->keycode) > TtaMaxK
        if (keysym != NULL)
--- 527,537 ----
    KeySym              sym = NoSymbol;
    int                 keycode;
    int                 state;
!   struct _XDisplay   *dpy;
    if (event == NULL)
      return (0);
+   dpy = (struct _XDisplay *) event->display;
    if ((int)(event->keycode) < TtaMinKeyCode || (int)(event->keycode) > TtaMaxK
        if (keysym != NULL)

Received on Thursday, 6 January 2000 06:26:54 UTC