Re: amaya-2.4 bug

Hi Ovidiu,

Thanks a lot for the bug fix. It's integrated now.

In-reply-to: Your message of Sun, 02 Jan 2000 15:00:55 -0500."
> Hi,
> I am running amaya (last cvs update was done yesterday) on a linux alpha
> machine. I found the following problem in tothlib/base/registry.c
> (around line 1500):
> #if 0
>    if (lstat (execname, &stat_buf) == 0 && S_ISLNK (stat_buf.st_mode)) {
>       len = readlink (execname, filename, sizeof (filename));
>       if (len > 0) {
>          filename[len] = 0;
>          /*
>           * Two cases : can be an absolute link to the binary
>           * or a relative link.
>           */
> 	     if (filename[0] == DIR_SEP)
>             ustrcpy (execname, filename);
>          else
>              ustrcpy (dir_end + 1, filename);
> 	  } 
>    } 
> #endif
>    while (lstat (execname, &stat_buf) == 0 && S_ISLNK
> (stat_buf.st_mode)) {
>      len = readlink (execname, filename, sizeof (filename));
>      if (len > 0) {
>        filename[len] = 0;
>        /*
> 	* Two cases : can be an absolute link to the binary
> 	* or a relative link.
> 	*/
>        if (filename[0] == DIR_SEP){
> 	 ustrcpy (execname, filename);
> 	 dir_end = &execname[0];
> 	 while (*dir_end++); /* go to the ending NUL */
> 	 while (dir_end > execname && *dir_end != DIR_SEP){dir_end--;}
>        }else{
> 	 ustrcpy (dir_end + 1, filename);
>        }
>      } 
>    } 
> The #if 0 ... endif region is the original code, what follows is the
> fix.
> The bug is triggered when more than 2 links are needed to get from amaya
> to the actual executable. In my case the path is like this:
> /usr/local/bin/amaya->/usr/local/Packages/www/Amaya/install/bin/amaya->/usr/local/Packages/www/Amaya/install/Amaya/applis/bin/amaya
> The original code follows no more than a single soft link and causes
> amaya to report something like:
> System wide unix-thot.rc not found at
> /usr/local/Packages/Amaya/Amaya/config/unix-thot.rc
> missing environment variable THOTDIR
> WARNING: cannot open file en-libdialogue
> cannot find messages table
> The small modifications made to the original code solve this problem and
> they appear not to interfere with the rest of the code. 
> -- 
> Ovidiu

Received on Tuesday, 4 January 2000 08:32:45 UTC