IDC_GETURL and having a base URL

I'm trying to build a special copy of Amaya so that the user can't open,
start a new document or Save a document to anywhere but my website.  What I
would like is something like where all the open, save and new dialogues say:

Open Document

  Enter the URL of the document you would like to open: [Edit                        ]

   Confirm  Cancel

I've been scouring around the code for a while and it seems that that Edit
field has ID IDC_GETURL, and in windialogapi.c I see it accessed a few
times.  When using New, Open or Save in Amaya, it puts an automatic default
thing in there correct?  I think that somehow it's doing a HOME_PAGE -
"index.html" + "\New.html" when it writes the default statement but
I can't pinpoint this down.  Any ideas, clues?



Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2000 18:28:33 UTC