Apologies re bug NOT!!

I had submitted to the list an apparent bug regarding 
backgrounds within FONT elements.  I was in error!!
I forgot to check my own Amaya.css which was cascading
with browsed files.  In my own stylesheet I had set font
background to white INSTEAD OF transparent.

Also previously i was mentioning offset of items after 
headers not aligning with subsequent items.  I have since
found that this is due to authoring inconsistancy where 
they neglect to use paragraph blocks around first
after a title but do so around all others.  With my style
set to indent paragraphs, only the first was not indented.

Neither of these problems are bugs in Amaya.  The first is
my own blunder and the second is authoring ( and i have noticed
this in many very seasoned html veterans who have got into
 a routine that MS/NS cover up).   Writing is a tuff game.

Now of course i am rquesting a preference item to disable
amaya.css temporarily while browsing others pages....
right now the workaround is to rename it before starting the browser 

John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
Mystery readers may want to click on DOROTHYL

Received on Monday, 21 August 2000 21:37:03 UTC