Re: Amaya Project Dependencies (was "Building Amaya v3.2.1")

> Thanks Jose,
> I had to check the libThotTable, and the compilation process went fine
> until the end. Great!
> So, if I try to sumerize the Dependencies for Amaya :
> 	amaya depends on libjpeg libpng libThotEditor libThotTable libwww thotpinter 
> 	libpng depends on zlib 
> 	libwww depends on zlib 
> 	thotprinter depends on libjpeg libpng libThotTable printlib 
> Hope this will help for the documentation.

Hello Catherine,

I'm back and I fixed the page

Sorry for the inconvenience

Received on Monday, 14 August 2000 05:22:31 UTC