instability after arrows ---

The previously reported instability after using right arrow
 left arrow up arrow and down arrow is NOT because of
the missing site.... today my site is up and problem is repeatable.
Moving to other pages on my site or to most other sites like ~cherry
i can not duplicate the problem....
moving to  front page I CAN!!!
whether in edit mode or not it still happens.....
and it happens when cursor has not been placed on text ....
   on text it worksas expected -- a cursor move....
it is either because it is on the opening graphic  or more likely
 when there is NO position for the cursor .... 
I suspect either an initialization problem where cursor hasnt got
a value yet  or   checking problem where its value not checked
 and key action puts it to nowhereland ......
Even more suspicious that i see it happening on only
but this may be because of where graphic is .... 
maybe another site with same arrangement will do same ???
but this is a big instability problem becauuse i either have to
wait out the long scroll operation or do a windows escaper
 (three finger salute) .... can anyone else duplicate my win95
  view --- negative reports also help debugging team !

john russell  VE3LL@RAC.CA


Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2000 08:37:53 UTC