FYI: Telecommunications Industry Association Announces Accessibility Pavilion for SuperCOMM '98

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

This past week I was invited as a guest of the Telecommunications Industry
Association (TIA) to attend their industry conference, SuperCOMM '97.
Needless to say, there were hundreds of vendors displaying technology that
will certainly have a dramatic effect on how people with disabilities
communicate in the next 2-5 years and beyond. You can be sure that almost
everything is moving toward voice I/O interfaces and multimedia
environments on high speed networks.

The good news is that the folks at TIA are concerned about the disabilities
community. In fact, you can imagine my surprise when I looked at their
conference configuration for next year and saw a huge area labeled,
"Accessibility Pavilion"! Additionally, TIA President Matt Flannigan
specifically sited the Accessibility Pavilion as a feature in next years
conference, as well as a full day of preconference workshops, panel
sessions, and seminars. All of this is their response to the TelComm Act
and Section 255.

Later that day I had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Flannigan and several
TIA staff to discuss the Pavilion and conference. They are extremely upbeat
and feel that this is a very necessary project in order to put the Telcomm
Industry on notice regarding accessibility issues. I will be working with
TIA to organize the conference and Pavilion.
The 1998 SuperCOMM conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

As a first step, please use this as a notification of two requests:

1. If you are in the Atlanta area OR if you can financially afford to
attend next years SuperCOMM conference and would like to take part in the
conference seminars, workshops, or panel sessions, please contact me.
Please note that I am specifically looking for individuals who are familiar
with the telecommunications industry, products, the Telcomm Act and it's

2. If you are a vendor (or if you know of a vendor) who would be interested
in participating in the conference, please contact me. There is limited
space for up to 25 vendors. This is an industry association conference.
Your "customers" and vistors will be other industry representatives. (For
those of you familiar with the Consumer Electronics Show, this conference
is similar in structure). Please also note that this is an international
conference and, as a result, international corporations are also welcome to

Please feel free to pass this message on to other lists.

Regards and thanks,

Mike Paciello

Michael G. Paciello                      Executive Director, 
E-Mail:         Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation
Tel: +1 603 598 9544                     URL:
FAX: +1 603 598 2839                     Building Better Access Technologies! 

Please Make a Tax-Deductible Donation:

Received on Friday, 6 June 1997 12:00:17 UTC