- From: <barbara@eastmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 04:49:41
HOMEOPATHIC Hormone Available Now Without A Prescription Biggest Medical Breakthrough in Fat Loss & Anti-Aging in the 20th Century Order now and receive a "FREE GIFT" 1-800-636-6773 ext 6834. Now, for the first time ever, HOMEOPATHIC Growth Hormone is available without a prescription! Doctors have known for years that HGH : Decreases in;body fat, wrinkling, cholesterol, insomnia. Increases in;Physical strength, muscle mass, energy level, sexual function,mental alertness.Feelings of well being Stimulates youthful skin and hair appearance. Improves neurological function. Rejuvenates cell and organ tissue. HGH is now available to you in a SAFE, ALL NATURAL ORGANIC FORMULA, with no side effects when taken in a recommended dosage. HGH is a naturally occuring substance secreted by the pituitary gland, as our bodies age the pituitary's production of HOMEOPATHIC Growth Hormone decreases. The production of HGH helps slow down, and in some cases, even reverse the aging process. Over 1,000 doctors that atteneded the Anti-Aging conference in December agreed that HGH is one of the "most exciting advancements in reversing the disease of aging," since the introduction of DHEA. HGH has been used in Europe and the United States for approximately 15 years with amazing results. It has previously been available by injection only, and since injections by doctors cost between $5,000.00 and $20,000.00 a year, only the wealthy were able to afford these treatments. Now everyone can afford and receive the benefits of HGH. Now it is available for less than $100.00 per month in a handy application that you spray under your tongue, for instant absorption and FAST ACTING RESULTS!!! If you are interested in improving your quality of life, and your overall feeling of well being, then call 1-800-636 6773 ext 6834to order your supply of HGH. Call within 24 hours of receiving this special offer and "get a FREE gift" from ADVANCED LABS. to be removed email barbara@eastmail.com
Received on Monday, 24 May 1999 06:11:16 UTC