RE: ARIA: Buttons in listboxes and grids

Not sure if an explicit “More” trigger ever should be a member of listbox items.

One pattern here is to move the button out of the list but keep in same container as the listbox control and make it keyboard accessible using e.g. arrow down key when on last element of listbox.

Another pattern is lazy loading. Being on last visible listbox item arrow down triggers load of more children. Here you don’t need any button or extra “More” item.

  *   Stefan

From: Steve Faulkner []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:32 AM
To: Batusic, Mario <>
Subject: Re: ARIA: Buttons in listboxes and grids

Hi Mario, can you provide an example of the code? a working example (codepen etc) would be ideal.



Current Standards Work @W3C<>

On 17 April 2018 at 08:22, Batusic, Mario <<>> wrote:
Hello dear WAI People,

I have a question. I am accessibility engineer for our products and all of these are web apps.
We use extensively ARIA to implement an optimal UX and full keyboard access. Our lists (something similar to Windows Explore lists) we present as listboxes or in details mode as grids. My question concerns the button “Add entry” that is designed to be the last option in the listbox (or something in a whole last wor of the grid). Through putting the butten there I get a false list count because this button is not a valid list entry. How can I integrate this button here so that it does not disturb the list count and does not show up in a screen reader as for example 10 out of 10.


Ciao     Mario

Mario Batusic
Accessibility Engineer<>

Tel.:              +43 732 606162-0


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Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2018 08:56:42 UTC