Re: Regrets for the UAI TF meeting on 27 May 2014; mapping presentational children

On 05/22/2014 09:48 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:

> That's fine as far as it goes, but that does not explicitly say what
> ATK/AT-SPI role to use for the children of a presentational
> table/list*.  Or, is it your intent to defer to the " HTML to Platform
> Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide" [1]? 

That can be just for ATK, but functionally I believe that:

    <ul role='presentation'><li>foo</li></ul>



are equivalent. Orca would like to treat them in the same fashion. That
could be through "defer to HTML's mapping" or an explicit mapping like:


As long as it winds up being the same mapping for ATK/AT-SPI2, I'm good. :)

> * - also if the wording, "expose the child as a div element" is used in
> the UAIG, that wording would apply to all AAPIs (MSAA/IA2, UIA, and AXAPI.)

It is not my intent to mess up any other platform's mapping. So unless
everyone agrees with me that div is the right way to go, let's keep it
platform specific.


Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 14:06:24 UTC