Re: @required and @disabled - strong or weak ? (was RE: Does the HTML5 required attribute have the same accessibility affect as aria-required for an ARIA defined widget?)

On May 8, 2014, at 1:02 PM, John Foliot <> wrote:

> <input type="checkbox" aria-required="true"> - ARIA semantic "wins", as
> it was explicitly applied by the author (and based upon James' earlier
> email, this is where I disagree with James)

We can't write a spec that has a one-way dependency on a boolean attribute. It doesn't make sense. You're effectively saying "True is true, except in some cases where it's not."

The only arguments I've heard against this are stylistic and functional behaviors that can both be resolved with CSS and JavaScript. If you don't like the native styling of input[required], fix it by adding an input[required] {} block in your CSS. If you don't like the auto-submission behavior of a required form field, fix it in the JavaScript submit handler.

Otherwise, if you don't want to do either of these things, don't use a native form field. Use <div contenteditable role="textbox" aria-required="true"> or something else.


Received on Thursday, 8 May 2014 21:27:41 UTC