[aapi] agenda for Sept 29

The AAPI meeting will be at 15:00 UTC:
*             8:00 AM Pacific
*             11:00 AM Eastern
*             16:00 UK
We'll be on #aapi on IRC and using Zakim with aapi as the passcode.

Agenda for Tuesday

*         Schedule update after discussion with PF Editors (5 minutes)

*         Section 5, error handling.  Can we integrate error handling with other sections and remove this one?  Please review the section before the meeting, and come ready to discuss.

*         Section 3.8.5 Menus.  Please read and review this section before the meeting.  Put issues in bugzilla or bring to the meeting.

*         Work items due this week

CS: Action/Events table

SP: Read the document and give us feedback

DB: 7182

AS: Re-format the state/property mapping table to be consistent with the others

ALL:  read sections 5 (Errors) and 3.8.5 (Menus)

Next week, October 6, we will be discussion HTML to Platform API Mapping

Received on Friday, 25 September 2009 21:17:53 UTC