Re: Questions arising from ARIA/HTML5 integration

clarification for <keygen>

the  roles and properties it could be mapped to depends upon how its UI is
presented in the browser.


2009/9/1 Steven Faulkner <>

> note: removed as this is meant for last call
> comments on the wai aria spec.
> hi Ian,
> i have taken a stab at answering some of your questions.
> What roles should I use for the following elements?
>  <input type=date>
>  <input type=time>
>  <input type=datetime>
>  <input type=datetime-local>
>  <input type=month>
>  <input type=week>
>  <input type=color>
>  <input type=file>
> these all appear as text boxes with a  button/keystroke associated to open
> a dialog no?
> they will all need to be mapped to the platform accessibility APIs by the
> browser.
> if i was attempting to emulate the semantics of the input type="date" using
> ARIA I would use role="textbox" with aria-haspopup="true"
> <meter>
>  <time>
>  <keygen>
> <abbr>
>  <ruby>/<rt>/<rp>
>  <ins>/<del>
> <video>
>  <audio>
> <iframe>
> <thead>/<tbody>/<tfoot>
> none, as far as I can tell , could not find accessibility API mappings for
> any of these
> * note, did not do an exhaustive search.
> <dl>/<dt>/<dd>
> may be mapped to accessibility API as a list
>  <figure>/<legend>
> figure may be mapped as a grouping role and legend would be the accessible
> name
> <caption>
> is mapped to platform API as the accessible name of a table
> <details>/<legend>
> having not seen an implementaion its disfficult to say
> >I'm assuming most elements, e.g. <p>, <em>, etc, should have no default
> >role, and should instead rely on styling. Is that right?
> i would say so.
>  >Should I make aria-haspopup="" be true when an element has a
> >contextmenu="" attribute, or is aria-haspopup="" only intended for
> >indicating the availability of non-native context menus?
> i don't understand why you would want to do this, it is my understanding
> that ARIA is not meant to be used to map the default
> roles/states/preoperties of native controls onto platform accessibility
> APIs, but perhaps it could be used in cases where the accessibility APIs do
> not have the roles/states and properties defined in ARIA (example is the
> MSAA does not have a header as in H1 role.)
> >Does the presence of <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> between elements with
> >role=row and role=gridcell have an effect on the ARIA conformance of a
> >document, given that it means the element with role=gridcell is not a
> >child of the element with role=row? If so, how should I address this
> >issue?
> the <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> do not appear to have any meaning in MSAA
> and are not included in the accessible tree, so i would say that there
> presence has no effect.
> >Should I expose the multitude of labels in HTML (title="" everywhere,
> ><option label="">, etc) using "aria-label"?
> title attribute content is already exposed through accessibility APIs  as
> the accessible name, so don't see why it is needed?
> the label on an option is exposed as the accessible name for the option.
> I haven't answred quite a few of the questions, will look at them further.
> regards
> stevef
> 2009/8/22 Ian Hickson <>
>> What roles should I use for the following elements?
>>  <input type=date>
>>  <input type=time>
>>  <input type=datetime>
>>  <input type=datetime-local>
>>  <input type=month>
>>  <input type=week>
>>  <input type=color>
>>  <input type=file>
>>  <meter>
>>  <time>
>>  <keygen>
>>  <dl>/<dt>/<dd>
>>  <abbr>
>>  <ruby>/<rt>/<rp>
>>  <ins>/<del>
>>  <figure>/<legend>
>>  <iframe>/<embed>/<object>
>>  <video>
>>  <audio>
>>  <caption>
>>  <thead>/<tbody>/<tfoot>
>>  <fieldset>/<legend>
>>  <details>/<legend>
>> I'm assuming most elements, e.g. <p>, <em>, etc, should have no default
>> role, and should instead rely on styling. Is that right?
>> I'm assuming elements that are display:none need no role as they are not
>> in the rendering. Is that right? If so, is "aria-hidden" redundant with
>> CSS? How should I integrate HTML's "hidden" attribute (which causes
>> display:none to be implied) with "aria-hidden"?
>> What should I do regarding aria-owns/radiogroup for <input type=radio>?
>> How should I expose <th> elements that have scope=rowgroup or
>> scope=colgroup?
>> How should I expose colspan="" and rowspan="" on table cells?
>> Should I make aria-haspopup="" be true when an element has a
>> contextmenu="" attribute, or is aria-haspopup="" only intended for
>> indicating the availability of non-native context menus?
>> For an <input type=number>, which I presume should have role=spinbutton, I
>> have a situation in which the value (for aria-valuenow) might not be
>> known. However, it appears there is a conflict between the rules for
>> role=spinbutton (which require an aria-valuenow) and the rules for
>> aria-valuenow (which say it should be omitted in this case). What value
>> should I give the aria-valuenow property in this case?
>> How should I integrate "aria-autocomplete" with the various autocompletion
>> mechanisms in HTML5, specifically list="" on <input>, autocomplete="" on
>> <form> and various controls, and UA-specific behaviour on all editable
>> controls?
>> Does the presence of <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> between elements with
>> role=row and role=gridcell have an effect on the ARIA conformance of a
>> document, given that it means the element with role=gridcell is not a
>> child of the element with role=row? If so, how should I address this
>> issue?
>> How should I integrate "aria-grabbed" with the drag and drop API?
>> Should the drag and drop API's dropEffect attribute affect the
>> "aria-dropeffect" state? If so, how?
>> Should I expose the multitude of labels in HTML (title="" everywhere,
>> <option label="">, etc) using "aria-label"?
>> How should I make "aria-labelledby" refer to elements that have no IDs, as
>> in the following case?:
>>   <label>Name: <input name=fn></label>
>> It seems that in this case I need to imply an "aria-labelledby" on the
>> <input> to point to the <label> but I don't see how to do it since there's
>> no ID on the <label>.
>> How should I expose the placeholder="" attribute on <input>? Should I map
>> it to "aria-label"? What if there is a placeholder and an explicit
>> <label>; should I give both?
>> --
>> Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
>>       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
>> Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
> --
> with regards
> Steve Faulkner
> Technical Director - TPG Europe
> Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium
> |
> Web Accessibility Toolbar -

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 16:26:01 UTC