Re: Questions arising from ARIA/HTML5 integration

On Aug 21, 2009, at 6:04 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

> What roles should I use for the following elements?
>  <input type=date>
>  <input type=time>
>  <input type=datetime>
>  <input type=datetime-local>
>  <input type=month>
>  <input type=week>
>  <input type=color>
>  <input type=file>
>  <meter>
>  <time>
>  <keygen>
>  <dl>/<dt>/<dd>
>  <abbr>
>  <ruby>/<rt>/<rp>
>  <ins>/<del>
>  <figure>/<legend>
>  <iframe>/<embed>/<object>
>  <video>
>  <audio>
>  <caption>
>  <thead>/<tbody>/<tfoot>
>  <fieldset>/<legend>
>  <details>/<legend>

It seems to me these don't exactly match any existing ARIA role, but  
at least some of them should be treated as having native semantics. In  
some cases, minting a new ARIA role would not make sense. For example,  
there's no way to replicate the effects of <input type=file> with a  
different element, so creating a new role just for the sake of mapping  
would not be a useful effort.

Upon rereading the original statement from PFWG on ARIA  
integration[1], it's not entirely clear to me if elements with "strong  
native semantics" need to map to an ARIA role. A clarification from  
PFWG would be greatly appreciated.

Similarly, it seems like some attributes that create "implicit ARIA  
semantics" don't map in a clear one-to-one way to ARIA properties or  
states. It would be good to still avoid conflicting markup even if the  
native HTML feature can't be cast exactly in ARIA terms. I believe  
that was the root of most of Ian's other questions. Again, input from  
PFWG would be greatly appreciated.



Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 09:44:38 UTC