Re: Request to Strengthen the HTML5 Accessibility Design Principle

I had originally "taken the overs on ten years" (been willing to bet that it
will be longer than a decade) for this "war" to subside enough to make HTML
5 even remotely likely to become a Recommendation. After reading these
diatribes disguised as conciliatory responses, I will take the overs on 15

In a "corridor conference" at TPAC I suggested dumping the whole effort and
starting over, perhaps with HTML 4.X but everybody there took it as a dumb
joke. I was serious and it would still be the best thing to do.

A flame war by any other name is still an inordinate waste of time/talent
and the whole "process" has become unbecoming to W3C.


Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2009 12:10:41 UTC