WAI-CG Consensus Recommendations on Alternative Text in HTML 5

Dear Colleagues:

Attached herewith, at long last, is a report we've titled: "WAI
CG Consensus Resolutions on Text alternatives in HTML 5." It is
the result of many long teleconferences and draft documents produced by
members of several WAI Working Groups--and accepted as a consensus
position by the WAI-CG itself. We regret that our process took so long,
but we did do our best to be comprehensive. We believe we've addressed
all of the major concerns and requirements that have been expressed on
behalf of @alt. We hope this report can now serve as a useful basis for
wider consideration, especially with the HTML WG.

This document is also available at the following URI;

We look forward to working with you to make HTML 5 the best
accessibility solution yet.

Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.202.595.7777;
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC	http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility	janina@a11y.org	
Linux Foundation		http://a11y.org

Chair, Protocols & Formats
Web Accessibility Initiative	http://www.w3.org/wai/pf
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 11 June 2009 01:31:44 UTC