Re: Example canvas element use - accessibility concerns

John Foliot - wrote:
> David Bolter wrote:
>> Do we need to have an a11y solution for canvas...
> yes
>> ...or is it a usage problem
>> solvable through education and evangelism?  I don't know.
>> cheers,
>> David
> David,
> <soapbox>
> With respect: if you are going to produce an element for content authoring
> on the web, then accessibility aspects (DOM hooks or whatever) need to be
> part of the spec - full stop.  Now, this does not mean that you need to
> deliver exact functionality to all users - a11y has never even hinted that
> this is a requirement - what is needed is *equivalent* functionality so that
> alternative user-agents (or a combination of mainstream user-agents and
> adaptive technology) delivers to the end user the content's intent. 
> It might take longer, or be less elegant (@longdesc is a wonderful
> poster-child for this, which many within the working group still don't
> grok), but it is *inclusive*... it doesn't leave some users standing outside
> the door with a pat on the head and a "...sorry, we need to do more
> education and evangelism to make people understand this".  What exactly do
> you think the web accessibility community has been doing for the past
> decade?  (That these types of discussions still need to be had within the
> greater 'experts community' 10 years after the launch of W3C's WAI simply
> shows that e & e only goes so far).  
> </soapbox>
> So again, to the first question - yes. 

Okay then let's make sure that happens. Where and how is it likely to


Received on Thursday, 19 February 2009 00:30:07 UTC