Re: Example canvas element use - accessibility concerns

Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> David Bolter wrote:
>> I think for the approach to work, the hidden DOM could be the "model",
>> and the canvas could merely be a photon dependent "view" -- in terms of
>> MVC pattern-speak (and to borrow a TV Raman phrase).
> Forgive me, but how is that different from a DOM styled via CSS
> (assuming sufficient expressiveness on the part of the CSS in terms of
> effects)?  That is, where does <canvas> come in?

Thanks for raising this point Boris. Indeed it isn't essentially
different from a DOM styled via CSS. As for where or why <canvas> comes
in... I'm not sure. Maybe it is cross browser css pain and perf concern.

Do we need to have an a11y solution for canvas or is it a usage problem
solvable through education and evangelism?  I don't know.


Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 19:26:57 UTC