Future of accesskey in DHTML based Widgets



accesskey attribute is missing. I assume intentionally because of browser issues (different implementations etc.).

We find in
3.5. Absent Attributes
Some attributes from HTML 4 are no longer allowed in HTML 5. If they need to have any impact on user agents for compatibility reasons it is defined how they should work in those scenarios. 
*	accesskey attribute on a, area, button, input, label, legend and textarea. 

I believe that accesskey attribute support in content is crucial for ease of navigation of business applications in contemporary browsers, even for people without AT.

In addition, it will reduce the amount of JS coding for developers of widget toolkits.

Any other opinions?

-	Stefan 

Dr. Stefan Schnabel 
Accessibility Expert 
SAP User Experience Accessibility 

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Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2008 10:01:26 UTC