Re: Flickr and alt

On Aug 19, 2008, at 13:28, Joshue O Connor wrote:

> Eric Eggert wrote:
>> What confuses me about that whole alternative text on flickr issue  
>> is that flickr is an edge case, not a typical use case for  
>> alternative text.
> I completely agree.

Flickr is not an edge case. Dumping photos from a digital camera onto  
the Web is probably the most common Web publishing activity that  
private persons engage in. (I don't have numbers, but anecdotally it  
seems more popular than blogging and more popular than having a Web  
1.0 home page.)

If this WG wishes to support this use case, it has to provide  
conforming syntax for carrying out this use case, since by definition,  
not providing conforming syntax for a use case means not supporting  
the use case.

Since accessibility for content consumers and accessibility (Yes,  
accessibility. One may be physically able to take lots of photos but  
not able to healthily enter copious amounts of text in reasonable  
time.) for content producers as well as plain practicality are at odds  
here, supporting this use case may mean rejecting the extremism that  
only accessible (for content consumers) cases be supported by the  
language definition.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2008 10:41:02 UTC