Re: Developers' Poll: support for overflow: hidden;

Hi Gregory,

> one thing has been bothering me about the content and intent of the
> amazon pointer to a quote screen reader unquote friendly page with
> quote similar content unquote as the main site, is that i never heard
> the message intended for my AT while using a screen-reader in a GUI
> environment -- only Lynx displayed what was hidden not only from
> CSS-capable browsers, but from half of the target audience -- those
> using screen readers...
> Developers' Poll: Support for overflow:hidden - is it in the DOM?

overflow: hidden is well supported by modern browsers. The content
must be in the DOM for the CSS property to be applied. If you're not
hearing things with your AT that you are aware is available in a user
agent that doesn't support CSS, then I suspect the content is being
hidden using display: none.

The overflow: hidden is part of a technique that positions content
outside the viewport - the content to be hidden is usually placed in a
containing block with a fixed with and height, positioned outside of
the viewport, and the overflow: hidden part is to ensure that the
content doesn't bleed into the viewport if the text is particularly
long, or the font-size is particularly large. The technique will
typically include setting the following CSS properties on the block:

position: absolute;
left: -999em;
width: 1em;
top: 1em;
overflow: hidden;

This technique can be useful for providing context where the context
is typically provided by the visual layout, but requires developers to
be mindful about not creating content that is overly verbose, or it
quickly becomes redundant noise.

The technique works well, but content hidden with display: none will
also hide the content from AT - this might be what you are

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 15:10:41 UTC