[html5] longdesc


there is rather a long thread running in HTML-WG[1] about alt (should it  
be compulsory and how to use it) and longdesc (which the current draft  
dropped because the WHATWG wasn't sure how to use it). The thread is  
called "fear of invisible metadata" - and it really is quite long :(

It might be useful for PF to review the issue of what is likely to give  
the best results, and give feedback to the HTML WG as a group.

[1] Near as I can tell, the alt/longdesc discussion starts with  
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2007Jun/0391.html halfway  
into what was one of the threads about sumary information for tables -  
which contains some salient points about the value of visible metadata  
where feasibe, and the necessity of hooks for accessibility information.



   Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software: Standards Group
   hablo español  -  je parle français  -  jeg lærer norsk
chaals@opera.com    Catch up: Speed Dial   http://opera.com

Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 17:49:30 UTC