Re: Alternate Additional Attribute Set for a Single Quote Element

On 02/08/07, Robert Burns <> wrote:

> > I differentatiate between markup, explicit to contained content
> > (Gregory's
> > proposal) and the relationship between markup (xpath expressions)
> > that you propose.
> I see. I'm not really proposing xpath expressions. This would simply
> involve a DOM attribute and CSS pseudo-class selectors

Which IMHO is an algorithmic solution rather than markup.
I'm very much in favour of Gregory's plain markup solution.

> > An algorithm would suppose that was the intent, is that correct?
> Right. The algorithm would use introspection on the quotation element
> to determine it's current state. The author would determine the value
> of the DOM attribute by what content model the author employed within
> the quotation element.
IMHO it's not a content model it's a structural one.
If the author gets the structure wrong, your algorithm will fail.

> I agree (as an author). I would much prefer to provide quotation
> marks through CSS. However, this proposal (which is separate from the
> content model algorithm proposal) is to deal with authors and UAs
> (Internet Explorer) that prefer to handle quotations with quotation
> marks.

I'd rather the spec drive implementations than the other way round.


Dave Pawson

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2007 14:11:50 UTC